DISTRICT-NawadaDistance from Delhi-1150kmDistance from Patna- 120km
PINCode-805110 STdCode6324
HASL-1115’RIVER-Loya CLIMATE-Tropical
Approach-TrainBus,Taxi LANGUAGE-Hindi,Magahi
campus restshed,
Railwayrest room.FOOD-Indian
cooked rice,pulse,sabji,bhujia,litti
,Jalebi,kachauri,puri,Singhara,nimki ,egg, chicken,mutton
Fishetc DRINK-Sweet water
for drinking purposes plus hard and soft bottled or pouched
packed drink. TRANSPORT-Auto
ABOUT THE SITE- The mentioned site is a religious
place as per the story of Ramayan the religious story of the hindus.Sita wife
of Ram was convicted and evicted to
jungle on say of a washerman who convicted and evicted his wife
for one night absence of his wife from the house saying that he was not
Ram who kept Sita knowing fullywell that she remained at Ravan residence for long. So this is the place lived in forest.This is attributed by temple
in a cave at village named Sitamarhi.Twosons
of Sita named Lav and KKushwere also born here2TThere is a wide mouth
jar(kathauta) like ditch in a stone slab where Sita used to wash clothes
of Lav and Kush3Sita used to take bath
in( Now a days the river named Tilaya was then called) Tamsa as mentioned in
Balmiki Ramayan 4 Balmiki ashram is also by the side of the river.5 Ashram of
Atrimuni teacher of Balmiki is bit away from here in Atri tapoban.Now a days it is called
Atri..East of the river Kushagram is
near Narhat where maharshi Balmiki used
to meditate over lord Shiv. These facts find mention in Historcal notes on district Gazetier Gaya 1885 by Gorge
Griayarsan “Gaya Gazettier1919byMLSOMelli’Nawada rediscovered 1973 and
administrative report Nawada district
1973 J C Mathur has also confirmed river Tilaya as TTamsa.
OTHER SITE-Hill view and green valley.
FESTIVITY-Four days festival
on Aghan fullmoon day married ladys
worship here and place cloth pieces
in the stone ditch ,after being blessed by a son child on this occasion.
PRECAUTION-The district is
naxal affected.
GUIDE-District information
RREMARK-It shoud be included
in state tourism programme.

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