DISTRICT-Siwan Distance from Delhi-1026kmDistance from Patna-144kmPINCode-841101 STdCode6158 HASL-150’ RIVER-Gandak CLIMATE-Tropicl
Approach-TrainBus,Taxi LANGUAGE-Hindi.Bhojpuri
campus restshed,
Railwayrest room.FOOD-Indian
cooked rice,pulse,sabji,bhujia,litti
,Jalebi,kachauri,puri,Singhara,nimki ,egg, chicken,mutton
Fishetc DRINK-Sweet water
for drinking purposes plus hard and soft bottled or pouched
packed drink. TRANSPORT-Auto
ABOUT THE SITE-Famous for longest railway platform and
biggest cattle fair,Sonepur situated on the bank of Gandak or the
Confluence of Sone,Gandak and
the Ganges has many
And mythological sites to
welcome and enteryain the tourists. 1.First among such site is the temple of
lord shiva named asHarihar
Nath The temple is
beautifully maintained neat and clean with all types of hindu deities.
Discipline of worship isalso well maintained
due to two entry and exit gates in the garve grih where
Shivling is
situated. Pandas also not
have much tendncy to hackle tourist or w
-orshippers.2Kali Temple -It is also on the bank of the Gandak, wellmaintained
and beautiful with small garden.3Khak Chowk tem
-ple –It is Thakurbari of Ram
Lakshmn Sita and Radha-Krishnajust by
the side of the Kali Mandir.One pillar of Sung period isalsoseen here.4Gaj grah temple-Elephant and crocodile statues
in fighting poses are speciality of this temple By the side of this is statue
of lord Vishnu who appeared to save
elephant when it remembered
leaving all hopes of
life.When Vishnu appeared it is natural
Hanuman will also be there
and lord Shiv in form of Hariharnath.
5Dariadas temple-It is mainly
for followers of saint Dariadas.It is used for stay and Dharamsala shelter
house during cattle Nov-Dec. 6 . Gauri Shankar temple-The temple has
statues of lord Shiv and godess Parwati in sexy poses.The statue is of tantric
It denotes Shivas victory
over Kamdeo. Ox Nandy is not there.7.
Garud temple-The temple
contains black stone Vishnu statue on
Eagle.8Vishalnath-This temple
is in west side of Hariharnath.Shiv
Parwati has been shown in
sexy poses here also.9Hanuman temple-
This temple is in front side
of Hariharnath temple.10BavanBhagw-
-an temple-This is also four
handed Vishnutemple.11chaywankund
-This pond was made by saint
Chaywan muni.His residence was at the same place.Pond water was famous for
curing diseasea but its
effect was lessened as time passed and now it is prdinary pond
RajaMansingh Garh-This is
above the Chaywan tank.13Satihara-
This is temple of Sati . All the local people do first worship here.
before starting any good
work.14Chiraiyamath-This temple also
contains statues of Shiv
–Parwati.Locally it is said that a nagnath
live here .Its head is of
human being and body is of snake.
It was
meeting place
forfreedomfightersduring independence movement
15Raja Mansingh garden-The
gatden is by the side of the RajaMan
-singh garh16-Bag
Mirzadil-The garden is named after a rich
muslim social worker.16Daulat kuan-It is near Gaj Grah temple and Thakurbari it
contains sweet water.17Umamaheshwar temple-
The temple issituated south
of Sonepur village on Sonepir Pahlejaghat road on the bank of riverMahi.Sketch
statue of Uma is engraved on the Shivling of the temple.The temple belongs to nath sects of worship
followers.18DeoAsthanam-The temple is Gazendra Moksha Deoasthan Dibyadrh established
by saint Laksh
-manacharya It is seen as a
big and gorgeous and beautiful South
Indian(Rameshwaram or
Tirupati0 style type temple on sonepur Hazipur main road.The temple is divided
mainly in two parts. Ground to ceiling
is called Prasad and upward is called Biman.
Their subdivisions are called
Uppith,Upward is Adhisthan,Upnah , Pad,Prastar ,Griva and Sikhar or top.
field,Horses field,Byson,cows and oxen fields ,their races and other play
activities are worth watching.
PRECAUTION-General precaution
for safety of valuables.
GUIDE-District information o
REMARK-Religious and Historical heritage
should be saved at any cost .

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