Saturday, August 24, 2013


BEGUSARAI   25:20’::86:0’
Distance  from  country   capital   Delhi-1211km
      “           “     state          “         Patna—200km
PINCode-851101 STDCode 06243 HSL—150’ Nearest river—The  Ganges
APPROACH  OVER  THE  LOCATION-The site under mention is  in Cheria Bariarpur
22km from Begusarai  and on SE side of Kabar lake in form of lake iland. Begusarai is
well  connected with railways and roadways from rest of the country.Local conveyance
like auto rickshaw,jeep treckers,or time  bound  local  buses can  be  taken to  negotiate
rest  of  the  distance  to  reach  the  site.
LANGUAGE-Hindi  and  mixed  Magahi  and Angika.LODGING-Afew  middle  class
Hotels  ,motels,dharmasala and govt  IB  are  available  at  Begusarai
FOOD-Rice  pulse sabji chokha chapatti etc at temple  management  on  request  and 
Payment   otherwise  at  Begusarai  in hotel  and   motels.DRINK-Sweat  water  is  available  for  drinking  purposes LOCAL TRANSPORT-Auto  rickshaw  and  time
bound buses  are  available  for  to  and fro  movement  from Begusarai  the  dist  head qrs.
ABOUT  THE  SITE-The  site  is  of  archaeological  and  religious  importance.Jai
Manglagarh  is  the  SE  side  of  Kabar  lake  on  a  lake  island measuring  about 
6metres  x  1km.The  temple  has  statue  of deity  Chandi  Mangla  devi. The  island 
mound  is  supposed, as  the  localpeople  say,was  of  a  king named  Mangal Singh.
Excavations in 1955has  revealed some  articles  of  Budhist  periodThese  include 
Coinage  engraved  721 AD pottery  and  some  statue of  Budhist  and  Hindu  deties
And  animals.Some  of  these  are  kept  in  the  temple  campus  for  exhibit  and study.
One  statue  of  Navgrah  of  Pal period  was  also  found.This  type statue  is  kept  in
Indian  museum   Kolkata.The  templewas  renovated  in 15th  century  AD  by Oinwar
families Black  colour  stone  statue representing  the  power  of  Jai mangla devi  is
instde   the  temple  Another  statue  of  astbhuji maa is 5’ below  on  eastern  wall
of  the  temple.There  is  only  one  entry door. So  there  is  much  darkness there.
So  fight  this  a  lamp  is  always  lit  inside  the  temple
FESTIVE  PERIOD-Ashwin  or  Shardiya  navratra Beside general  worship many
Meditatators  gather  for  tantric  meditation.
PERIOD  OF  VISIT –All twelve  month
OTHER  SITE-Kabar  lake  and  bird  sanctuary.
PRECAUTION-General  precaution  for  mild  naxal   affected  area
GUIDE-District  information office  may  be  contacted
TOUR  PACKAGE—Less  available

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