KAKOLAT WATER FALL 24:53::85:35”
Country India
State Bihar
District Nawada
Distance fromn the national capital Delhi-1150km
Distance from the state capital Patna 115km
Pin Code-805110
STD Code -6324
HASL 1500
Approach over the location-The site located 25km SE of Nawada is connected by roadways only from the rest of the country .
Language Hindi and Magahi
Lodging –There are a few rest shelters in hutment at the site arranged by local busines men and traders who will arrange for food also on payment. An improved arrangement can be had at Govindpur blockBetter lodging suitable for middle class is available at Nawada.
Food-Being a picnick and tourist spot food stuff like rice pulse sabji,etc are available by local traders in limited quantity and limited time
Drink-Sweet water is available through lift motor pumps and pipes from the fall water itself.Other soft drinks like Pepsi, Coka-Cola are also available in limited
Local transport-Only afew tme bound buses up to block level run from Nawada are availableOwn arrangement of reserve car or reserved auto is advisable.
ABOUT THE SITE –The site is a water fall with a nearly vertical drop of about 150 “Width of the fall is also more than 40”In the central portion the girth of the water drop is thicker which thins out towards the side ends . The beauty of the site is that it is well maintained and with cement platform and tank like and house like structure , which looks like a swiming pool . It is well baricated by steel pipe poles and iron chain.The hill which houses the fall is called LohdandParwat. It is 160 “ from the GL.The thick forest which cause its origin is called Kamyakban.
MYTHOLOGICAL and PURAN---The site finds mention in the Ban par
wa of Mahabharat and Markandey Puran. The place is also attributed to Mahasati Madalsa of Magadh kingdom
OTHER NEAR ABOUT SITE—1 Ekhara It is about 2 km South West of Kakolat Artifacts made of stone like sword , dhal chopper, Jata(wheat grinder)Okhal etc are found here,which indicate existence of flourishing of civilization of the stone age at this place ,adding along chapter for Anthropological study
Precaution –General precaution,naxal affected area.
Guide—District information office may be contacted
Shopping –Small handicraft of stone and Wood ,specially toys and smll pots by the local people are attraction for purchase.
Tour package –Generally not available.
Remarks—There is very good prospect of health resort provided approach road is better maintained.
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